

MultiAlarm (aide en françaisQuestion) is an Android application (available on this storeQuestion) which joins alarms and indicators to help users remembering to enter data at given time. MultiAlarm allows the creation of many different scenarios, the simplest being an ordinary alarm at a specific time and a more complex one could be to specify additional indicators in addition to several different kind of notification times. Each alarm can be configured with or without indicators and can notify the user at different time, at different time interval, randomly between two given times or using a mix of all. If an alarm has indicators, MultiAlarm allows to visualise them graphically. To further analyse the data, they can be exported and sent via E-Mail. For us, your privacy is very important and for this reason we explicitly renounced to use any internet access.

An example of application could be a user who wants to measure the size of something every Monday at 18h00 or an other user who wants to measure the weight of a component randomly between 6h00 and 16h00 every working day.

The following block diagram shows all views of MultiAlarm in one picture. The Main View is the starting point when the application starts. Starting from the Main View this schema shows all the possible views. To leave a view and go back on the Main view the Android back button shall be used. The settings are saved only when pressing the back button.

MultiAlarm Full View Low

Main view

The main view displays all the configured alarm. Each alarm can (but must not) contain the following characteristics:

  • Times : A time indicate when and how the Smartphone should notify the user. Several times can be configured in each alarm but it is also possible to have no time configured at all. An alarm can contain three different kind of times (exact, interval and random). It is also possible to use a mix of them such as several exact times, several time intervals and several random times.
  • Indicators : The indicators allow the user to enter values either asynchronously when opening MultiAlarm and pressing on the alarm or synchronously when the given alarm notify the user.

The following picture shows the main view with the help text activated.

Main View 1 20161203 155233  

The following picture shows the main view with the help text hidden. The help text can be hidden when pressing once on it (it will come again when the corresponding view will be opened again) or it can be disable for the whole application in the settings.

Main View 2 20161203 154029  

The following picture shows the main view with the help disabled and the drop-down menu activated. This drop-down menu allows to make a full database backup. All backups (either database backup or exported alarm) can be imported using the Import option in the drop-down menu. When importing a database (full backup or automatic backup) the current configuration will be completely erased. This drop-down menu allows the configuration of the settings. The Rate us options has not been enabled yet. The about option shows important informations.

Main View 3 20161203 154337  

The following picture shows the main view with the help disabled when long pressing on the alarm "weight". A long press on an Alarm will display this menu. The option Configure allows to edit the current selected alarm. The currently selected alarm can also be renamed or deleted. When selecting Statistic the data contained in the alarm can be analysed using different king of graphics. The option Edit Data allows each entry of each indicator to be edited. The Export option allows the creation of a csv file containing all the characteristics of the alarm which can be sent via e-mail.

Main View 4 20161203 154035  

Configuring or adding alarm

The alarm can be configured using the three following tabs, each one allowing the configuration of different settings.

The first tab contains the alarm name, its corresponding ringtone, its ring time, its snooze time, its snooze option and its ringtone volume. Please notice that the option shake to snooze does not work on every Smartphone.

Configuartion Tab1 20161203 153545  

The second tab contains the times at which the user will be notified. The plus button allows the user to add as many times as needed. In the following example the alarm will notify the user (blink) once at 20h00 and at 21h00 every day, it will notify the user (vibrate, ring and blink) 5 times between 12h00 and 18h00 Saturday and Sunday and it will notify the user (ring) each 10min between 16h45 and 19h00 every working day.

Configuartion Tab2 20161203 153854  

The third tab contains the indicators which will store the values entered by the user. The plus button allows the user to add as many indicators as needed. The name of the indicator should describe the characteristic measured such a weight, height, litter, etc.

Configuartion Tab3 20161203 153902  

Configuring the times within the tab "Times"

The times have three different type:

  1. Exact
  2. Interval
  3. Random

Each time can be configured to notify the user at a given day of the week and using different kind of notifications (ring, vibrate and blink).

The following picture shows the mode exact configured to notify (blink) the user at 20h00 every day.

Configure Times Exact 20161203 153950  

The following picture shows the mode interval. In this example the user will be notified (ring) every 10min between 16h45 and 19h00 every working day using the defined ring tone.

Configure Times Interval 20161203 154016  

The following picture shows the mode random. In this example the user will be notified (ring, vibrate and blink) randomly 5 times between 12h00 and 18h00 during the week-end.

Configure Times Random 20161203 154007  

Statistic views (using AChartEngine -> see about in the main view)

The following view shows the line chart for the selected alarm when long pressing on it and selecting statistic in the menu. The different colours show the different indicators This view uses the module AChartEngine V1.0.0Question which is under Apache 2.0 licenseQuestion. To zoom in the graphic either the zoom button or the multi-touch can be used. The begin and end button help to define a time interval to analyse.

Statistic Line Chart 20161203 154229  

Display the same data as before but using a different chart (this view uses the module AChartEngine V1.0.0Question which is under Apache 2.0 licenseQuestion):

Statistic Pie Chart 20161203 154246  

Display a summary of the data contained in the different indicators. The summary contains the minimal, the maximal, the mean, the median, the variance and the standard deviation of each indicator values. The number of entry contained in the indicator is displayed in the round brackets.

Statistic Calc View 20161203 154302  

In the statistic when pressing on an indicator in the calc view the detail of all recorded data are displayed along with the date, the time and the value.

Statistic Calc View Details 20161203 154325  

Input data asynchronously

The following view shows an example of a user entering values for the different indicators. On the main view when pressing on an indicator this view will open allowing the user to enter data asynchronously (asynchronously means without the alarm ringing).

Input Async 20161203 155318  


The following view shows the possible settings allowing to:

  • sort the data either in an ascending or descending way,
  • change the date format,
  • change the time format,
  • display or hide the help text present on top of all views (write text description on top of each view),
  • choose the first statistic view to show when opening the statistic view,
  • display of hide the zoom button in the statistic view and,
  • create examples using sample alarm.

Settings 20161203 160544  

Import and backup

The alarm can be exported via the menu when long pressing on an alarm and selecting Export. This create a csv file which can be imported elsewhere. The whole database can be saved using the option backup in the drop-down menu in the main view. These backups and exported data can be imported using the import option in the drop-down menu in the main view. When importing or deleting alarms, the system create automatically a full backup. The sql files are backups of the whole database and the csv files are backups of individual alarms containing all the times and indicators. When exporting an alarm, MultiAlarm propose to send the exported csv over e-mail to analyse the exported data on a computer for example.

Import 20161203 160737  

Alarm ringing

When an alarm rings the user can either accept of snooze it.

Alarm Ring 20161203 155509  

If the user press ok and if the alarm contains indicators, the user is asked to fill the data for each indicators (data entered synchronously).

Alarm Ring Input Data 20161203 161926  

MultiAlarm can be downloaded hereQuestion and was written in collaboration with embmore GmbHQuestion.